The Radically Well Academy
The Radically Well Academy

Welcome to The Radically Well Academy!

Radically Well: The art and science of discovering how to be okay even when things aren't.

What is the Radically Well Academy?

The Radically Well Academy (RWA) is a group of individuals who identify as Wellness Seekers. We are from all walks of life, all ages, genders, religious, cultural, and racial identities, but we share one thing in common: we are seeking to cultivate Radical Wellness because we know the power of having inner wellness regardless or our past experiences or current circumstances. Many of us identify as trauma survivors or overcomers of adversity, and many of us are experiencing current struggles. In this space, we'll engage in a holistic approach to cultivating our own Radical Wellness though using frameworks for authentic self-care, and resilience, explore expressive arts, and take a deep dive into activities for healing, wellness and growth, while we explore prompts, affirmations, and tools to help us understand ourselves and define our next chapters - not as survivors, but as the thrivors we deserve to be!

The Radically Well Academy is built, hosted, and led by Nichole Myles, MA, CIBHP, of MylestoGo Speaking and Consulting.

The Results You'll Get

Our community, courses, and memberships are pretty special. We’re focused on the ways Radical Wellness can make a huge difference in your life.

Here are a few of the things you’ll be able to do as a member of the Radically Well Academy:

  • Strengthen your responses to current stressors and triggers through consistent engagement with unique frameworks for resilience and for self-care.
  • Experience personal growth, identify inner strengths, and re-frame your responses for healing by participating in self-paced growth and wellness courses and activities.
  • Foster self-expression and emotional catharsis through expressive art activities that are accessible, enjoyable, and allow wellness to flow through you.
  • Share as a participant in the academy with others on the journey. Interact, connect, and grow together.

When You Join Today

When you join The Radically Well Academy, you’ll get access to:

  • Digital Weekly Affirmations and Prompts: In this recurring event, members can immerse themselves in healing words and motivate one another. Participating in these affirmation sessions could bring about positive changes in thoughts and attitude, encouraging self-esteem and instilling courage to face life's adversities.
  • Self-Care, Resilience, and Growth and Empowerment Courses: These carefully designed and self-paced courses engage members actively in better understanding and implementing steps to authentic wellness, including new ways to explore self-care and resilience as well as reframe past setbacks and work through current challenges. These courses can aid individuals in finding personal strength and discover new paths to wellness - Radical Wellness!
  • Expressive Art Activities: Channel emotions and experiences into creative output. The community sets up a themed platform where members can engage in various accessible art experiences. These activities offer a therapeutic way to express oneself and can foster a deep sense of personal fulfillment and self-understanding.
  • Community Interaction and Support: Members of the Radically Well Academy will have a variety of opportunities to interact and connect with each other throughout the process. We don't claim to have 'the answers' here - but we have the frameworks and tools to help you uncover your own! And when you do, you'll be encouraged to share with others, creating a inspiring community of Wellness Seekers who become Wellness Achievers!